Sunday 14 July 2013

A crafty weekend. With mixed success!

Sometimes when I attempt a totally new craft, having had no idea how it's going to turn out, it ends up looking amazing. Often however it doesn't quite go to plan...

I decided to make a tablecloth this weekend. I couldn't decide on any of the fabrics in the shop so I brought some white cotton and some green dye and decided to attempt some batik!

Stage 1: Painstakingly applying hot wax to the fabric, drip by drip. I made a few mistakes but decided that the overall effect would still be good.
Step 2: The dyeing! To my horror the wax started falling off in the lukewarm dye bath. To tackle this problem I decided not to agitate it too much whilst it was soaking....

Finished product: (After rinsing, removing the remaining wax and ironing) I'm feeling very sad about the patchyness of the cloth and the faintness of the design. I suppose it's my fault for not stirring enough and maybe I should have used something other than tesco value candle wax... Still, it looks pretty in places!

I also made a cushion cover and, after the depressing batik results, I did some a little piece of tie dyeing!

Wow what a lot of crafting for one weekend!!

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Blanket Progress...

printf("hello, world");

Why yes, It's Becca here, taking a brave step into the world of blogging. (Rather like I did with computer programming, but hopefully this time I will be more successful!)

So, what better place to start than in the middle of something:

Within three days of finding out that I was going to be an Auntie, I'd found myself down the local yarn store (k2tog in Wolstanton, great shop by the way) and bought myself large amounts of lovely soft cotton yarn.

Had a great breakthrough moment today that you get when a project finally starts taking shape. I think I crochet in an odd way because it's a bit holey in places, but I quite like the overall look so far. And with three months to go 'til the little one arrives I'm making good progress! (yes I am a little big excited) 

I'll post a photo when it's all finished (hopefully with added baby)!

Link here to the wool shop mentioned above